Inspire Painting

Painting Course

Digital Painting

We are proud to say that we are offering "DIGITAL PAINTING" course first time in Hyderabad. Digital painting is an emerging art form in which traditional painting techniques such as watercolor, oils, impasto, etc. are applied using digital tools by means of a computer, a digitizing tablet and stylus, and software

Traditional painting is painting with a physical medium as opposed to a more modern style like digital. Digital painting differs from other forms of digital art, particularly computer-generated art, in that it does not involve the computer rendering from a model. The artist uses painting techniques to create the digital painting directly on the computer.

All digital painting programs try to mimic the use of physical media through various brushes and paint effects.Included in many programs are brushes that are digitally styled to represent the traditional style like oils, acrylics, pastels, charcoal, pen and even media such as airbrushing.

There are also certain effects unique to each type of digital paint which portraying the realistic effects of say watercolor on a digital 'watercolor' painting. Digital painting thrives mostly in production art. It is most widely used in conceptual design for film, television and video games.

Digital painting software such as Corel Painter, Adobe Photoshop, ArtRage, GIMP, and openCanvas give artists a similar environment to a physical painter: a canvas, painting tools, mixing palettes, and a multitude of color options.

There are various types of digital painting, including impressionism, realism, and watercolor. Instead of a canvas or sketchbook, artists would use a mouse or tablet to display strokes that would appear with the touch of a pen to the tablet's surface, or a click of pen. Tablets can be pressure sensitive, allowing the artist to vary the intensity of the chosen media on the screen. There are even tablets with over two thousand different levels of pressure sensitivity.

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     Inspire Painting Institute
    3-6-259,303,Span Chambers,
    Besides Spencers,
    HimayathNagar X Roads,Hyderabad.

    Ph:08977772524, 040-30525888